#( ghost && yin yu )
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marshymeds · 9 months ago
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Ghost city guys
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elliotski · 6 months ago
I am in love with the idea of Hua Cheng being intrinsically connected to Ghost City in such a way that he can subconsciously manipulate it.
Ghost City’s streets are winding and confusing, but when Hua Chengzhu walks through his territory, the streets straighten themselves out, creating a clear path for him. Strangely enough, Hua Cheng doesn’t realize this until Yin Yu meekly asks for directions to a certain location in Ghost City, still settling into his new position as a servant to a Ghost King. Hua Cheng, annoyed, snappishly tells him that it’s literally down the street and four buildings down, and that if Yin Yu couldn’t find it, then he was too blind to manage the administrative areas of his city. Yin Yu, confused and intimidated, shakily tells Hua Cheng that there are no roads or buildings in the vicinity of Paradise Manor, and that when the street does start, it winds in three different directions. Hua Cheng gives him an incredulous look and tells him to just do as he’s ordered. Yin Yu walks away defeated.
Hua Cheng secluding himself when the isolation of searching for a forgotten god creeps up on him. Ghost City, used to their lord disappearing in irregular intervals, doesn’t find it strange when no one has seen Hua Chengzhu for several days. Panic starts to set in, however, when dark clouds gather above the city and a torrent of blood rain falls from the sky like a bad omen. The ghosts become frantic, believing it to be an ominous sign that they had displeased their lord. Hua Cheng, who had locked himself in his room in Paradise Manor, weeps his despair and desperation into silky, crimson pillows to the sound of rain for three days straight. He never realized that he nearly caused a flood of blood in his own city. In fact, Yin Yu, who had taken up the responsibility of cleaning up the city, wisely chooses to say nothing on the matter when Hua Cheng eyes his blood soaked robes with a questioning glance. This happens rarely over the course of the next eight centuries, but it occurs often enough for the denizens of Ghost City to stop panicking when it happens. They call it ‘the crimson torment’ and have learned to be especially nice to their lord in the following days. Miraculously, the blood rain stops after Xie Lian shows up, and Ghost City is eternally grateful. Xie Lian learns about ‘the crimson torment’ before Hua Cheng does, hearing about it from a group of gossiping ghosts. But when Xie Lian asks Hua Cheng about it, concerned for his husband, Hua Cheng tells him that he was never aware that such a thing even happened.
Hua Cheng mindlessly sending out an attack towards a trouble making ghost in Ghost City. The attack is restrained and certainly not as powerful as it could be, but it sends the ghost flying into a wall anyways. Normally, that would be that, but Hua Cheng was particularly frustrated that day. The echoes of the ghost’s wailing pierces his mind and worsens an already bad headache. Xie Lian, who’s standing off to the side, hurriedly walks toward Hua Cheng and gently guides him away. Hua Cheng goes willingly and complacently, as he always will for his beloved husband. That doesn’t stop the murderous thoughts brewing in his head, though, and before he knows it, there is a slight rumble beneath his feet. His thoughts spiral out of control and he doesn’t notice the Earth quaking beneath him until the buildings and stalls around him collapse. It’s the first time that Hua Cheng is forced to acknowledge the subconscious control that he holds over Ghost City and that moment secretly mortifies him.
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deer-vertebrae · 2 months ago
yin yu my beloved i kiss him on the forehead amd give him a cookie
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crazydaymycrazyway · 11 months ago
Yin Yu: There are five people and three chairs. What will you do?
• The heaven officials:
Lan Qianqiu and Xie Lian: Get two more chairs
Shi Quingxuan: Cut each chair in half to make 6
Mu Quing: Tell them to get their own chairs
Feng Xin, fearfully: Are there women among them?
Pei Ming: The women can sit on my lap
Quan Yizhen: You only need one chair to beat them all with
Shi Wudu: Force them all to sit on the floor
Jun Wu: Natural selection. Make them fight for their seat
• The ghost kings:
Hua Cheng: Ignore them if it's not related to gege
He Xuan: Feed them to his fishes
Bai Wuxiang: Kill five people
• Not belonging anywhere:
Qi Rong: Eat them all and hog the chairs
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backpackingspace · 5 months ago
Listen yin yu and Ling wen have the exact same jobs. Yin yus just yah know. Paid
And yin yu could have time off if he wanted but he has strict plans to overwork himself to death so that the thoughts cant plague him and hua cheng is an enabler
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cryingant · 2 months ago
TGCF au where everything in the plot stays the same, except every time YY and HX interact HC wolf whistles
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hanako-kozume · 2 months ago
Cursed Luck - TGCF FANART
I'm working on a by now 35k+ word fanfic for TGCF on Ao3 and made fanarts for it here and there bit by bit. This is all the art I made so far:
Disclaimer: These are all very quickly done sketches not finished paintings or fully rendered. They are just meant to visualise some characters and concepts.
Background: The fanfic is a pre-third Ascension story of Xié Lián accidentally ending up in Ghost City a few years after his Banyue arc and ends up working at the gambler's den. He is however masked and due to a mixture of self-loathing on Huá Chéng's side, Xié Lián's astonishing luck, and pure stubbornness of the ghost King, Huá Chéng does not recognise him and manages to dig his grave deeper with each of their interactions.
In summary, it's identity porn and Xié Lián better be fast when Huá Chéng uncovers his real identity before the ghost can crush his ashes out of shame and guilt.
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This was the first Sketch I made (about a year old) and is based on the concepts of hosts at the gambler's den.
In essence, I expanded the world building for this fanfic and separated the workers at the den in three categories: Guards, Hosts, and Maids.
(Details in the fic)
Xié Lián was sorted in the role of host most of the time due to his stunning beauty.
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Tao is a wrath level ghost who gambled years of his existence away at the den and is now serving there as a host. He introduces Xié Lián to everything and over time they become friends.
His attitude is rather childish and youthful despite being over a century old. He has fun luring in patrons and taking them for all their worth at the gambling tables.
This was my third sketch for the story and is also already over half a year old.
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Zhèn Yuè was the most recent addition to the casts of OCs in the story. She is a vengeful ghost who poses several mysteries at this point in the story. Established is only that she won her first gamble against Huá Chéng for resources to enact her revenge on those who killed her but then came back and asked to be dispersed. Huá Chéng made her gamble for it and she lost.
Now she is the head of his security at Ghost City's core establishments.
She and the disguised Xié Lián spar often together, which XL is always very excited about since she has a very unique fighting style.
(I want to add a bonus fic in the future about her backstory and first encounter with Huá Chéng.)
The sketch is one of the most recent ones.
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Subsequently these are old sketches of Xié Lián sparring in his host outfit. I made these together with the sketches for Tao but didn't end up using them until the last chapter I posted 2 days ago.
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This shows the specific scene of Xié Lián's and Zhèn Yuè's first spar. Xié Lián having once been the strongest martial god defeats her ofc but during their spar he notices something very rare: she uses a fighting style he has never encountered before.
Being the — honestly — nerd he is when it comes to all things marital arts he gets really excited and asks to be taught the technique, forgetting the circumstances and that he was still pointing a sword at her.
He was denied. Making him very sad 😔
The most recent sketch.
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Lastly this is a sneak peak for the next chapter and will be part of the reveal. So I won't add too much here. One of the more recent sketches along with Zhèn Yuè's.
As I said these are all sketches. I just wanted to share my love for this fandom and ship! I'm so excited to get to writing the next chapter once I find the time!!!
Any feedback would be appreciated 🥰
I like to think that I improved over time.
Oh also here is the fic in case any of you are interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54425590
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worstloki · 9 months ago
Calamity Mu Qing this and calamity Xie Lian that. Have you considered Feng Xin as a ghost?? He'd be out there looking for Xie Lian. He would know that's what Hua Cheng is doing too. It'd be the most competitive 2 supreme ghost race of which of them can find Xie Lian first and it would last for 800 years...
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cephalopodish · 9 months ago
no yin yu appreciation only yin yu condemnation! he's out there doing his job even after death! even after his sugar daddy rich god bf found him! even after being murdered on the job! never taking a day off! never taking a moment for himself! he's messing up the curve and we should force him to take a vacation! or at least a nap honey
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elegantwizardtree · 1 year ago
the disappointing yet knowing sigh I let out when xie lian did not in fact land of hua chengs lap when he fell through the roof into the armory.
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bitzi-bee · 1 year ago
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memory game ooooo
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renjunnipeikko · 11 months ago
HC and HX to YY: Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just want to go apeshit?
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teleport-warning · 3 months ago
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TGCF RBB time!
Head down to the ghost city hot topic and check out the fic ao3 user KindVidensVerbum wrote to go with my ridiculous illustration!
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ivoryrisuet · 10 months ago
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Waning Moon Officer's day off
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crazydaymycrazyway · 10 months ago
Xie Lian: So what is San Lang's type?
Yin Yu: Brown eyes, strong, kind, smart, self-sacrificing, long brown hair, oblivious, used to be a crown prince and adopts a lot of children
Xie Lian: Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we're just friends
Yin Yu: Did I mention oblivious?
Xie Lian: Yeah, why?
Yin Yu: Just checking
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the-deal-breaker · 5 months ago
Revamp of my Ghost Feng Xin AU
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I actually almost completely cutt his arm off like I did in my Swap tgcf AU but decided against it. But I also gave him tusks!
I like making Yin Yu and Feng Xin coworkers though, my ideas for them are great. Mostly they become drinking buddies. Except for the fact Feng Xin is banned from writing any documents but he is completely fine with that. (They drink on Hua Cheng tab)
Somehow he ended up dealing with 3 calamities.
Hua Cheng quite literally holds his ashes, somehow. And he's the only one that knows what happened to Feng Xin.
He Xuan just follows him around whenever Hua Cheng makes him play waiter. Because the only thing that Feng Xin tries is swearing and that doesn't work.
Qi Rong get dragged by his collar a lot. And called a brat. But he somehow becomes manageable mostly cause Feng Xin scared him a little when he was alive, and that's only cause he broke his arm without blinking.
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